Industry News
Vegetable slicer machine helps us out of peeling
Views: 1668 Apr 20 , 2018
We all would like to eat fruits but thinking about the work that requires peeling we have decided to eat something else, whether by simple laziness or lack of time, peeling vegetables or is measured one of the most despised tasks inside the kitchen. Fortunately, someone heard our prayers and had the great idea of creating a vegetable slicer machine designed exclusively to peel fruits and vegetables in a fast, simple and without the need to get our hands dirty. This is...
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Where to Buy Vegetable Washing Machine?
Views: 1659 Apr 16 , 2018
Fruits through the fruit sorting process in the automatic float board, dial plate by rotation of the feed axis, the fruit according to the direction of circulating water flow and accelerate the rotation, increasing the cleaning time of the fruit, making fruit to accelerate the rotation, and increase the flow of its discharge efforts to increase mutual fruit convection, resulting in a deeper cleaning effect.
Characteristics of vegetable washing machine:
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Make your own chocolate with chocolate tempering machine
Views: 1619 Mar 21 , 2018
The trend ” from bean to bar ” or what is the same: the idea of making chocolate “from the bean” has made not only chocolate makers with small factories around the world make a handmade chocolate, but also, more and more people are encouraged to make chocolate with chocolate tempering machine in their homes. If you want to live an exciting experience with this food, we recommend you start experimenting and why not have a chocolate made entirely for you, I assure...
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Vegetable Washing Machine: The Best Method to Wash Vegetables
Views: 1716 Mar 01 , 2018
What is the best way to wash vegetables or grains? How to remove all contaminants to food within the food industry? What is the best method to remove contaminants from vegetables? Within the food industry, high standards of health are required, since the foodstuffs that are put on sale must be completely clean and free of contaminants. That is why when preparing vegetables, grains or legumes and others, it is necessary to carry out an efficient process that also does not...
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What Makes Dry Garlic Peeling Machine Popular?
Views: 1762 Feb 07 , 2018
Garlic Peeling Machine is an advanced machine. It is popular in the market of France, Asia, German, America, United Kingdom, and more. Compared with conventional wet garlic machine, our Dry Garlic Peeling Machine has more visible advantages and convenience. The garlic cloves handle by the traditional wet machine go worst in a short period because the garlic cloves are damaged by water rubbing method. Because it causes more water consumption, bad smell, and water pollution....
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Why You Need Vegetable Washing Machine?
Views: 1909 Jan 22 , 2018
As it is generally said “We are what we eat” and accept it or not, in the current scenario, we are inadvertently eating Vegetables and Fruits which are more contaminated with the different type of Dangerous Chemicals, Plenty of unknown Pathogens and Artificial Waxes. It is difficult to digest but true to know that the vegetables and fruits we consume today have the abundance of Herbicides, Pesticides, Weedicides, Artificial Oil, Waxing, and Fungicides, as well as lot...
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